︎Chengcheng Hang


︎A Grpahic Designer
︎An Illustrator
︎A 3D Designer


Day Dreamer
IKEA Shelf Builder
Kitchen Destroyer


About me 

︎@Chengcheng Hang
︎Commercial Design_profile_CC

©2023 Chengcheng Hang
Package Design Collections

In 2017-2019, as a packaging designer, I undertook several projects that encompassed both traditional Chinese packaging and modern packaging designs. These projects aimed to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation by exploring new approaches to images, materials, and illustration techniques. My goal was to deliver unique and captivating experiences to consumers through the packaging designs.

Chinese origional nuts’ packages
A traditional Chinese style package consisted of 6 different sort of nuts.

The Design of Chips’ Package
Chip package design in 3 flavors of potato, the package can also be fun to read.

‘Hoarding’ Bag
Refuse to stock up --- Statement shooping bag design

Toufu Burger’s Design
For vegetarians, this one may make sense to them.